IMISCOE welcomes 5 new member institutes: Free University Brussels, Institute for European Studies (IES), Brussels, Belgium University of Sussex, Sussex Center for Migration Research (SCMR), Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom Paris Lodron University of...
The Department for Migration and Globalisation (DeMiG) at Danube University Krems has recently been accepted as a new member institution of the IMISCOE network. As a member of this unique network, our department will further intensify and...
During the 15 th Annual Conference in Barcelona, the Board of Directors officially welcomed Cà Foscari University of Venice as new IMISCOE member. Ca' Foscari University of Venice, established in 1868 as Royal Business College, was the first of its kind...
The ‘Transforming Mobility and Immobility: Brexit and Beyond’ international conference will take place on 28-29 March 2019 in Sheffield, UK.
When Tuesday, July 3, 17.10-18.40 hrs. Room 40.109 Chair: Andreas Pott (IMIS, University of Osnabrück) Presentations Laura Haddad & Ali Konyali (IMIS, University of Osnabrück) Integrating Diversity or Equal Participation? Alternative Configrations of...
Research Symposium and PhD course.
The Union for the Mediterranean, in joint action with Pompeu Fabra University through GRITIM-UPF and Imiscoe are pleased to invite PhD students and Junior Post-docs specialised on migration to attend the Imiscoe Annual Conference, to be held in...
The Summer School on Migration Data for Policy is a new initiative of the International Organization for Migration's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre and the University of Bristol, building on the close collaboration already developed through the...
Presentation of BIRMM VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) conducts a wide variety of research on migration and diversity, spread over many disciplines, departments and research institutes. The application for institutional membership to IMISCOE has...
Migration is part of complex processes of internationalization, globalization, and social transformation with implications on both people’s lives and society.