Call for papers for a thematic issue in the Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI) Returning, circulating, staying put: Complex family strategies among African migrants
The IMISCOE Research Cluster: Qualitative and Conceptual Research has released a new call for papers.
Workshop “Migrants’ Access to Welfare in Times of Crisis: Policy Transformations and Migrants’ Experiences in the EU”, chaired by Jean-Michel Lafleur and Eloisa del Pino.
The SCMR was one of the first migration research centres established in Europe and brings together a large community of migration scholars as well as a dynamic and engaged post-graduate community. True to the University of Sussex tradition, the SCMR has...
The Congress, organized by Pompeu Fabra University through GRITIM-UPF, took place from 2 to 4 July on the Ciutadella campus, under the title “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobility and intercultural challenges”. The meeting of the...
Comparitive Migration Studies, under Peter Scholten, is generously supporting the IRN by sponsoring the annual IRN Best Paper Award. This sponsorship began in 2017 and entails a 500 euro prize, as well as the opportunity to have an expedited review...
GRITIM-UPF has been honoured this year to contribute to the most singular activity of Imiscoe. Its Annual conference reached more than 650 registered participants, including both young and senior researchers for all over Europe and beyond, distributed...
MMG is a collective that brings together several thematic groups of scholars within migration and mobility studies at the University of Salzburg.
Themed Issue Call for Papers - European Journal of Social Work
Information In this workshop, the aim is to study the recent transformations of welfare policies towards EU and non-EU migrants in Europe and their impact on migrants’ lives. Among other topics, we particularly welcome proposals focusing on welfare...