News from Members
Join the UCLan Postgraduate Webinar Series of 2023! 8 March 15.00-16.00 Join Webinar ‘Privilege and precarity – class experiences of SADC students in South Africa’, by Veera Tagliabue (University of Birmingham) 26 April 15.00-16.00 Join Webinar...
The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) and the iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence are inviting applications for two post-doctoral positions: 1 one-year post-doctoral position in one of INED's 11 units (10 research units and one mixed service...
Mercè Rodoreda was a female Catalan author who spent thirty years in exile following the Spanish civil war. Like other Catalan male writers in exile, Rodoreda sometimes resorted to fantasy, in Todorov’s words (1973), as a means for exploration of...
February 28 (5-6pm CET)
You are having a methodological challenge you can’t resolve? You are stuck in your methods framework? You are looking for input and inspiration? Whether it's the qualitative interviews that aren’t working out as you had thought or the sampling issue you...
The Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw and the COPOCS project are pleased sent you the invitation to the online seminar "The promise of community sponsorship: a study of Syrian refugees in Canada". During the event, Prof. Michaela Hynie,...
The journal Societies (edited by MDPI) is organizing a Special Issue on Participatory Action Research (PAR) in migration studies which is being co-edited by Birte Nienaber, José Oliveira and Isabelle Albert (University of Luxembourg). The title of the...
Join the event " Research Communication with an Impact: Different tools for different audiences " with Professor Researcher Kristian Berg Harpvinken (PRIO, Norway), as part of the Mapping Out project activities. Science communication operates at many...
The Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia (QuaMaFA) project is organising its last hybrid lecture “ License to Dream: Skilled Mobilities and the Politics of Gender ” by Prof. Radha Sarma Hegde (New York University)....
Deadline for application: 19 February 2023 The German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM) e.V. in Berlin is searching for a (postdoctoral) researchers to be employed with 35,1 hours per week (90%) starting on 01.04.2023 in the...
MITRA is organizing writing retreats for PhD students throughout the academic year. The first sessions for 2023 are happening on Feb 6 th and Feb 20 th from 9.00 GMT to 14.00 GMT . For more information, please send an email to This email address is...