
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence recently published an ebook onthe


International conference: Ageing under lowest-low fertility and high emigration. The demography, the politics and the socio-economic


An international workshop within the ERC HOMInG Project - June 5-6, Trento 

Deadline for abstract submissions: March 19

INED and the iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence are inviting applications for two post-doctoral positions:

  • One two-year post-doctoral

The University of Vienna (15 faculties, 4 centres, about 188 fields of study, approx. 9.700 members of staff, more than 92.000 students) seeks to


The European University Institute is looking for candidates with a distinguished record of scholarly publications and experience in


Addressing some of the most challenging issues in today’s world, this new programme relates ethnicity and migration to global economic and


Following the success of the 2016 PhD Workshop, which took place during the 13th Annual IMISCOE conference in Prague, the next IMISCOE PhD


IMISCOE is happy to announce that six new members have joined the Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed, open access journal Comparative


The Urban Studies and Practices Journal welcomes papers for the Special issue on Migrant and the City.

Cities worldwide are major magnets for


Subtheme: International Migration, Changing Demographics and the Rise of Intense Nationalism

Florida International University, Miami, 5-8 April


Call for papers for a research panel that is organised by the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Popular Art, Diversity and Cultural Policies


Organisers: Antonie Schmiz (Osnabrueck University) and Charlotte Räuchle (Humboldt-University, Berlin)

It has been five years since Nina


Applications are invited for scholarships to work at post-doctoral level as part of the HOMInG –The Home-Migration Nexus Project (Dpt. of


This conference wants to set the stage for a dialogue on policies and practices aiming at the development of welcoming and inclusive


The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Department for Socio-Cultural Diversity) wishes to appoint


In a new book, edited by Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Martin Bak Jörgensen, the 'precariat' is analyzed, as a growing phenomena in labour and


Research panel organised for the 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 June 2017

Organisers: Andreas Pott, Ali


In today’s world, international migration not only affects those who are on the move but the vast majority of the global population. In


14th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Rotterdam, 28-30 June, 2017 - ‘Migration, Diversity and the City’ Session: Social cohesion revisited –


Kyoung-Hee Yu (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Jelena Zikic (York University, Toronto, Canada) invite IMISCOE researchers to


The 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference took place in Prague, 30 June – 2 July 2016. The conference covered the theme ‘Migration and


As of September 2016, Carmen C. Draghici replaced Juan Francisco Alvarado as the representative of the IMISCOE PhD Network. She was


The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) of Maastricht University invites submissions for its Workshop on


The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) of Maastricht University invites applications for Junior
